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My Story


I’m a twenty-two-year-old watercolor artist based in Nashville, Tennessee. I draw most of my inspiration from being outdoors, and the color palettes that stand out to me are often reflected in nature. This is also apparent in my decorating style, which borrows heavily from nature. I usually have rocks, sticks, and plants scattered throughout my living space.

One of my favorite areas, and the biggest source of inspiration for my work, is Northern Michigan. I was born and raised running outside and pressing flowers, so it comes as no surprise that the majority of my subject matter comes from the earth as well.

I started doing watercolor paintings my freshman year of high school, and I’ve been learning throughout the years how to manipulate the medium to fit my liking. As time went by, I began selling my work.

I think we all can agree that 2020 was a pretty shite year, but in the midst of that, when I was losing my mind during quarantine and the stay at home orders, I picked up my brushes and started painting again. I’m currently in nursing school, so I found it very difficult to continue painting while under stress.

As soon as I picked up painting in March of 2020, people started buying my paintings. I thought it would be short-lived, and die down after a while, but the amount of work I was selling just increased.

So here we are, the beginning of 2021 and I’ve been blessed enough to have my commission spots full each month and people who are invested in my work and want to have it hanging in their spaces